• Physical Fitness and Training

    Mrs. Marchetti 

    Google Class Code: 6gdfz6e 

    Make sure to log into Google Classroom each day for assignments and workouts.  If you have any questions, please email marchettij@dvsd.org


    Course Description:

    This course is a combination of classroom and activity-based learning activities with a focus on proper nutrition and the mastery of skills and concepts necessary for students to become accomplished monitors of their personal lifetime fitness. Through participation, students learn to compare the fitness benefits in a variety of individual and team activities.

    Students become proficient in the use of a variety of assessments, measurement devices, exercise equipment, and web and community resources. Assigned reading and writing assignments, which include activity journals and portfolios, broaden the physical education experience and contribute to the literacy of students. 

    The teacher directly supervises classroom and participation sessions and serves as both facilitator and instructor working to individualize programs and outcomes for students. The Fitness Gram Physical Fitness Tests are used to establish individual baseline levels for designing fitness programs, to show improvement, and to provide students with personal information.


    Topics Covered:

    • What is Physical Fitness?
    • Heart Rate
    • Warm Up / Cool Down and Heat Related Illnesses
    • Pre-Tests in Cardiovascular Endurance
    • Pre-Tests in Muscular Endurance
    • Flexibility / Yoga
    • Resistance Training
    • Muscular Strength Circuit (resistance bands, fitness balls, BOSU trainers, boxes, etc.)
    • Plyometric Circuits
    • Core Training (Fitness balls, BOSU trainers, balance boards, etc.)
    • Pool Workouts
    • Track Workouts
    • Kettlebell training
    • Behavior Modification and SMART Goals
    • High Intensity Interval Training
    • Individualized Workouts
    • Stress Assessment and Stress management
    • Body Composition
    • Nutrition
    • Fitness Testing: Cardiovascular Endurance (Post Test)
    • Fitness Testing: Flexibility and Muscular Endurance (Post Test)
    • Nutritional Reflection
    • Stress Management
    • Wellness and a Healthy Lifestyle
    • Evaluation of a Nutritional Plan or Fitness Plan
    • Portfolio Reflection