Horst came to the Delaware Valley School District in the fall of 1997 to teach Chorus and General Music in the Dingman Delaware Middle School. While there he worked to develop more of a hands-on experience in the general music classes, and to include a guitar lab. In his 14 years in that position many choral students from DDMS participated in local, state and divisional honor choirs through th Pennsylvania Music Educatiors Association, and the American Choral Directors Association. In 2011 he left DDMS to become the Choir Director at Delaware Valley Middle School and Delaware Valley High School. His teaching responsibilities also include AP Music Theory. In 2013 he became the Chair ofMusic Department for Delaware Valley School District.
Since coming to DVHS Mr. Horst has encouraged musical involvement for students beyond the curricular offerings. These include Chamber Choir, Festival Chorus and Glee Club. A Brass Ensemble was also offered for interested students for a time. Students continue to participate in local, regional, state and divisional level choral festivals.
Mr. Horst Holds a Bachelors Degree in Music Education from The Pennsylvania State University, and a Masters of Music from Duquesne University. Before coming to Delaware Valley he was a band director in Duplin County, North Carolina.