Centa Quinn

Centa Quinn  Centa Quinn was a member of the Milford High School class of 1947. Always ready to aid her classmates and lend a helping hand, her high school years foreshadowed a lifetime of quiet leadership and service. Active in her class, she participated in the Hobby, Library, and Journalism Clubs, and was General Organization Representative for two years.

 Following graduation, Centa was employed as Clerk / Secretary for the Department of Highways from 1949 - 1955. Beginning in 1955, she gained employment as Chief Clerk for the Pike County Commissioners. She also served as Clerk of Pike County Board of Elections. her tenure with Pike County lasted thirty nine years.

 Centa has a lifelong record of community service. her activities include the Pike County Public Library Board of Directors, the Milford Community House Board of Directors, Pike County Extention Advisory Board, President of the Milford High School Alumni Association, member of the Milford Lions Club, the Milford Garden Club, and Friends of Pike County Public Library. She is also a member of the First Presbyterian Church of Milford.