• The District provides Extended School Year (ESY) services to qualifying students to ensure maintenance of IEP goals and objectives during a break in the school year. Determination of eligibility is made annually based on seven criteria:

    1. Regression - whether the student reverts to a lower level of functioning as evidenced by a measurable decrease in skills or behaviors that occur as a result of interruption in educational programming
    2. Recoupment - whether the student has the capacity to recover the skills or behavior patterns in which regression occurred to a level demonstrated prior to the interruption of educational programming.
    3. Regression/Recoupment - whether the student’s difficulties with regression and recoupment make it unlikely that the student will maintain the skills and behaviors relevant to the IEP goals
    4. Mastery - the extent to which the student has mastered and consolidated an important skill or behavior at the point when educational programming would be interrupted.
    5. Self-sufficiency and independence - the extent to which a skill or behavior is particularly crucial for the student to meet the IEP goals of self-sufficiency and independence from caretakers.
    6. Successive interruptions - the extent to which successive interruptions in educational programming result in a student’s withdrawal from the learning process.
    7. Severity of disability - whether the student’s disability is severe, such as autism/pervasive developmental disorder, serious emotional disturbance, severe intellectual disabilities, degenerative impairments with mental involvement and severe multiple disabilities.