

    Español 4

    Señor Cotroneo

    El aula – B4

    Homework Hotline/Voicemail – 296-3656 (Voice mail # 7052)

    Remind app

    E-mail – cotroneog@dvsd.org


    ¡Bien regreso!  I hope you had an enjoyable and restful summer! 

    1. First and foremost, it is my hope that when the year ends, you will be leaving with a better appreciation

    of the Spanish culture, its grammar, and its use.  Through the study of grammar and more frequent reading, speaking and writing, you will be able to express yourself in Spanish with confidence. 

     In Spanish 4, you will:

    • Review the grammatical constructions previously studied and learn new ones
    • Increase your knowledge of grammar and its use in both spoken and written form
    • Learn new and recycle previously learned vocabulary that you can use every day in the classroom and in real-life situations
    • Improve your overall language skills as a Spanish student. In order to do this, you need to be practicing Spanish every night in some form.
    • Textbooks are not needed unless you would like one to keep at home during the school year. You MUST sign   

          the attached sheet (marking your intention) and return to me by Wednesday, August 28, 2019. We  

          will be using the online textbooks as much as possible for the following:

    • Take home listening activities for workbook and textbook
    • Video worksheet activities
    • Textbook homework
    • “Student Resources” provides vocab practice (using Flashcards), videos, listening and graded self-tests. “Conjuguemos” under “Student Resources” provides verb conjugation practice.
    1. Go to hrw.com
    2. Username: espanol412
    3. Password: hola!
    4. Click “Go to the Online Textbook
    5. Select the corresponding “Unidad” and “Lección” from the drop down menu to the left.
    6. Click “GO”
    7. If you click on the tabs labeled “Book Pages”, “Student Resources” or “Downloads”, you can see many features and advantages for this book series.
    • We will utilize the desktops in the room for online use; therefore, NO CELL PHONES may be used during class. In the rare instance that one could be of some help, teacher permission would be required, and is not precedent setting.
    1. PARENTS need to sign up for POWERSCHOOL to see the progress of your children online. Grades are updated daily. In order to sign up for POWERSCHOOL, you must visit the Guidance Office and show Issued ID.


    • Students must achieve a “C-“or higher to progress to the next level. It is recommended by the Guidance Office and many colleges/universities that two or more consecutive years of a world language be taken and successfully completed in high school for college/university admittance.

     You should have the following class:

    3 Ring Binder with loose-leaf paper for notes.or folder for handouts and notes; these are much better than just a notebook.

    Travel size dictionary or download one to your smart phone for reading and writing. However, it will be not be allowed for writing assignments as the year progresses.


    HS Level 4 Grading Scale



    Speaking – 30%

    ·         Presentations

    ·         Speaking performance based activities, debates, and assessments (Common and teacher selected)

    ·         Interpersonal and Presentational Speaking activities of AP Spanish


    Writing – 25%

    ·         Visual aids for presentations, but nothing should be read off of it

    ·         Writing performance based activities, assignments, and assessments (teacher selected)

    ·         Presentational Writing activities (email and argumentative essays) of AP Spanish


    Listening and Reading –  20%

    ·         Listening and reading sections of Lesson/Unit tests

    ·         Teacher chosen listening and reading activities (workbook, online, AP Spanish, etc.)


    Knowledge Based Assessments – 15%

    ·         Culture Quizzes, if applicable

    ·         Grammar Quizzes

    ·         Vocabulary Quizzes


    Classwork/Participation – 10%

    ·         Workbook/Grammar/Vocabulary practice activities

    ·         Graded assignments (teacher selected)

    ·         Daily Preparation/Active Participation

    ·         Warm ups

     One very important thing to remember: I do follow the policy in the student handbook pertaining to behavior,

              bullying, cheating (this includes the translator policy), and all other school rules.


    If you have any questions or are confused about anything we are doing or did, PLEASE DON’T BE AFRAID TO ASK or e-mail! THAT IS WHAT I AM HERE FOR! Working together will help us have a fun and productive school year! J