•  Support Groups

    The school counseling department offers several student groups throughout the school year to assist students. Students must have a form signed by a parent or guardian to participate in group. The forms will be given out by the group facilitator. Student groups are a confidential and voluntary process and therefore regular attendance in group will be expected. Students who continually miss group may be dismissed from the group. Groups are generally held during a students' special classes.  We try not to have groups during students' major subject areas, however, it may be necessary for certain groups. Students will be expected to report to class to get the assignments that they will be missing during their once a week session and be responsible for making up missed work while attending groups. If you are interested in a group for your student please call the school counseling department.


    Attached are the permission slips.

    Support Group Permission Slip



    The topics that are covered in groups are:

    Academic Success- The academic success group is designed to help students who are in need of academic support. This group will focus on goal setting, organization, time management, classroom and test taking tips, and personal motivation for success.  


     Changing Families-students talk about their changing families and the circumstances surrounding the changes in their family. Changing families is designed for students that have experienced the divorce of their parents, grandparents acting as parents, living in foster care situations, or living with anyone other than a biological parent.
    Coping Skills-In an ever changing society, students are met with demands that may cause anxiety and fear. Many times students struggling with school attendance and absenteeism may be having some form of anxiousness related to the school setting and beyond. Working through these issues in a healthy environment will assist your student to overcome these obstacles to healthy living. 

    Grief/Bereavement -students experience grief and bereavement in their lives and as support the Dingman Delaware Middle School offers group support to handle the natural progression in the grief process. Students discuss denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance and through the help of the counseling department students are given a healthy arena to be guided through the greaving process.
    Social Skills-Sometimes students struggle in developing and maintaining relationships. Through guided practice and discussions in the groups, students learn the skills to get out of their comfort zones and make friends. They learn how to really listen and empathize with others. They also learn how to compromise and develop plans for healthy relationships. 
    Stress Management - Everyone experiences stress and stressful situations. Stress can affect us both physically and mentally. The Stress Management group offers students an opportunity to evaluate their stress levels while looking at the symptoms that they may be experiencing. Students will learn a wide variety of stress management strategies from breathing to worry control. 
    Self-Esteem-Middle school years are a tough time for our youth. Students facing independence from their families struggle with trying to develop a sense of identity. Students often have friendship changes and peer group obstacles that lead to a tarnished sense of self. Taking a realistic look at the self concept and personal identity is a healthy process in overall well being. Sometimes the toughest critic is our self.

    Time and Task Management- Students need to learn the skills for achievement. Sometimes simple plans and organizational skills are all that are needed for success. Discussions are built around ways to maximize student potential for lifelong learning.