Brian McCarthy, Principal

    John Staub, Assistant Principal

    1365 Route 739

    Dingmans Ferry, PA 18328

     (570) 296-3140

    (570) 296-3170 Fax 

    Dingman Delaware Middle School opened in February of 1994 for grades six through eight. The building had been newly constructed to relieve overcrowding in the Delaware Valley Middle School due to the large growth in population that was ongoing in the district at the time. In September of 1994, fourth and fifth grade students were also moved into DDMS from the Dingman Delaware Elementary School where these grades remained until the Dingman Delaware Primary School was finished in 1999.

    DDMS was dedicated in the fall of 1994, after its spacious auditorium was completed. A capsule containing student poems and artwork, a video collage, and a copy of the dedication program is visible in the school’s entranceway.

    DDMS Principal Brian McCarthy and Assistant Principal John Staub are the administrators at the school, which has an average student population of about (650) and includes grades 6, 7, and 8.   Former principals at the school have included Mr. James Purcell, Mr. Joseph Caramanica and Mr. Jim Mitchell.  

    The school prides itself in teamwork and support between staff, students, family, and the community. Its staff is committed to excellence and producing lifelong learners in an engaging environment.

    Since its inception in 1994, Dingman-Delaware Middle School has prided itself on one simple motto, “Where the Best Get Better.” Staff members are passionate about education and provide their students with the best experience possible.


    School Days at DDMS

    The Dingman Delaware Middle School was constructed to relieve overcrowding at the Delaware Valley Middle School due to the large growth in population that occurred in the Delaware Valley School District. The school opened in February of 1994, and comprised grades six through eight. In September of 1994, fourth and fifth grade students were moved into DDMS from the Dingman Delaware Elementary School, and remained until the Dingman Delaware Primary School was finished in 1999.

    On a Sunday afternoon in the fall of 1994, with its spacious auditorium finally completed, the middle school held a ceremony to dedicate and formally open its facilities. This dedication was well attended by staff, students, and members of the community; the audience was entertained with musical performances and readings. A highlight of the ceremony was the collection of artifacts for the time capsule that can be seen in the school’s main entranceway. These artifacts included student poems and artwork, a video collage of student and staff activities, and a copy of the dedication program.

    During its first full school year, the student population of Dingman-Delaware Middle School was 645, with an average of 6 classes per grade level. DDMS had several co-curricular activities: the yearbook, a literary magazine, student council, Science Olympiad, drama, and Odyssey of the Mind. The school also had a band, an orchestra, and choral music ensembles. Athletic teams included field hockey, cross-country, wrestling, basketball, and soccer. Since then, the co-curricular offerings have expanded dramatically, and new programs continue to be developed to include the broadest possible spectrum of student interests.

    In the years since it opened, the Dingman Delaware Middle School has grown and flourished, building an impressive record of student achievement, camaraderie, and community involvement. Each fall, staff and students host more than three hundred older district residents at the Senior Citizens Dinner Theatre, where the guests of honor are served a delicious sit-down dinner, have the opportunity to win generous door prizes donated by local businesses, and enjoy a performance by the drama club.  Read on to hear what some of the members of the DDMS community have to say about our school.

    Since its inception in 1994, Dingman-Delaware Middle School has prided itself on one simple motto: “Where the Best Get Better.” In the last seventeen years, DDMS has maintained a commitment to excellence, producing life-long learners in an engaging and nurturing environment.

    There are numerous factors that contribute to the overall success of Dingman Delaware Middle School. Ms. Ruth Schneck, sixth grade teacher, credits the professional staff for creating a positive atmosphere. “We’re a team,” commented Schneck. “We listen to and talk with one another. We laugh together and are supportive of each other. The students certainly benefit from that.”

    Several staff members believe that consistency is vital to the success of the school. Says Michele Barnes, former DDMS secretarial staff from 1995 till retiring in August of 2020: “My job is very challenging, yet I’m never bored. It’s consistency that makes this school successful.”

    Administrative support is also a key contributor to a positive school environment. Mr. Randy Wolff, former physical education teacher and varsity coach, believes that DDMS has “a strong administration that really supports the teachers.” Mr. Eric Cooley, former eighth grade language arts and social studies teacher, feels that the administration “supports us a great deal. It’s nice to know that they back us up as best they can.” Ms. Schneck appreciates how the administration allows teachers to conduct class in their own unique ways. “We can be ourselves. We’re allowed to be creative while teaching the requirements of the curriculum.”

    It is evident that there is no single ingredient that comprises the DDMS “recipe for success.” Staff members are passionate about education and provide their students with the best experience possible. Dingman Delaware Middle School truly is “Where the Best Get Better.”

    Information researched and compiled by Sharon Siegel.