• 5th Grade At-Home Support Information

    Important Numbers:

    Homework Hotline:  570-296-3656

    • Miss Goudreau (Science, Social Studies, Writing) ~ Ext. 7009
    • Shire (ELA) ~ Ext. 7046
    • Towle (Math) ~ Ext. 7089


    Wonders  (ELA)

    The entire Wonders program is available online for you and your child to use at home. If books or homework practice pages are left at school, you can easily log-in and access the weekly stories and all practice worksheets. The Wonders Website is full of fabulous features; please take the time to explore the site and become familiar with all it has to offer:

    • To log-in
      • http://connected.mcgraw-hill.com
      • Username: student ID#@dvsdedu.org
      • Password: dv and then student ID# (case sensitive)
        • Example:     dv10001234
      • Click on the picture of your book
      • At the top of the page, click on “Resources”
      • On this page, you will find all your resources. There are 214 pages of resources, so it is easier and faster to use the menu on the left side of the page.
        • Helpful Hint: Once you find the books that you use most frequently, you can click on the yellow star shown alongside the book and it will be added to your “My Favorites” tab.


    • For your story textbook, click on “My Books” and then the “Literature Anthology”
      • The entire textbook is available.
      • You can click on the speaker icon on each page to hear the story read aloud.


    • For practice pages, click on “Skills Practice.” Then look on the left side for the subject. Most homework assignments will be from “Your Turn Practice Book,” “Grammar Mechanics,” and “Phonics/Spelling Practice.” Once you click on the subject, your book will be the first choice on the page. Click on the picture of the book and you will have access to the entire book. The pages can be printed.



    GOMath! (Math)

    • https://www-k6.thinkcentral.com
      • Fill in the following in each drop down menu
        • Country: USA
        • State: Pennsylvania
        • District: Delaware Valley School District
        • School: Shohola Elementary

       * Click on the box where it says “Remember my school” so you don’t need to do all of the above work again the next time you visit this website  J

    • Username: student ID#@dvsdedu.org  (no spaces)
    • Password: student ID#
    • Helpful Parts of this Website:
      • Things to Do
        • This will list all assignments (previous and current) that have been assigned
          • If an assignment is not showing up on that list, that means that it is past the due date and is no longer accessible to the student
        • My Library
          • This includes a lot of resources such as:
            • Interactive Student Edition: contains interactive lessons for the student to work through; if a student is absent, he/she may be asked to complete this to help get caught up  (Organized by chapter)
            • Student eBook: copy of the student book in case your child forgot his/her book at school (Organized by chapter)
            • Math on the Spot Videos: helpful videos in case your child is having trouble with a concept; if a student is absent, he/she may be asked to watch this to help get caught up (Organized by chapter)
            • eGlossary: lists all vocabulary terms that are addressed throughout this series; this can be helpful if a student gets to a word in his/her homework that he/she doesn’t know  (Organized by alphabetical order)



    Study Island  (ELA & Math)

    • studyisland.com
    • Username: lastname@dval
      • Example: mickey@dval
    • Password:   Student ID #



    Reading Counts Look-Up

    If you need to know the reading level or point value of a book at home, go to the following page to search by title:


    Please Note:  This page can also be accessed through the SES page on the District Website.  Look for the link under “Library.”